Plot: The Tree of life is a story of a Texas family in 1950s. The movie is centered through the journey of life of eldest son, jack. His journey of life from innocent childhood to his adulthood, tries to Patch-up his complicated relationship with his father. Brad Pitt plays the role of Father in the movie. Jack(Sean Penn) discover himself as a lost soul in the world of modernity, while questioning the existence of notion he tries to search the root and significance of life.
Director of  The Movie: Terrence Malick is the Director of this movie.
Writers Of  The Movie: Terrence Malick also writes the movie story.
Star Cast Of The Movie: Movie stars are Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain.
Year Of Released: 2011.
IMDB Ratings: 7.3/10
Rottontomatoes Ratings: 3.4/5
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