Plot : The Prodigies is animation and Sci-Fi Movie. It is a story about Five youthful youngsters are strongly attacked. But they are not your regular teenagers they are prodigies. The injury of the attack encourages them to eyelash out against the globe in a freezing and determining way. The five chillingly amazing thoughts come together to make the best vengeance. The only individual conscious of the awaiting problems is Jimbo Farrar, a 6th natural born player, who has collected them. Provided that he battles against his five alternatives with all his might, there can be wish for the globe. But should he convert over to their part, it’s only a issue of time before a problems of apocalyptic ratios ensues. Download full movie the prodigies in high quality along with fast downloading speed.
Movie Info : IMDB
Audio: 8/10.
Video: 8/10
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