Plot: Following the loss of life of her mother and father, teen-aged Andie West is living with her mom’s best buddy, Sarah. Andie, who doesn’t proper worry about school, is trying to determine where she suits in in life. The only factor she likes is dancing with her street team, the 410, led by truck. The 410 are the most well known of the street workers in Baltimore and are desired by the police enforcement for their functions of wanton damage and public trouble. Sarah intends to deliver Andie to stay with family members in Texas unless she clears up her act, such as finishing her organization with the 410 and trying more complicated at university… The director of the movie is Jon M. Chu. The screenplay of the movie written by Toni Ann Johnson and Karen Barna. The star cast of the movie are Cassie Ventura, Briana Evigan and Robert Hoffman.
Audio: 9/10.
Video: 9/10.
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