The action-thriller film centers on Dalton, a former UFC fighter who wants to put his violent past behind him. As he is barely getting by, the owner of a roadhouse in the Florida Keys approaches him and offers him a job as a bouncer. Her goal is to stop a violent gang and its master, Brandt, from destroying her bar. When Knox, a vicious gun-for-hire, gets involved, things only become worse. As the carnage and violence increase, Dalton realizes that this is worse than anything the UFC has ever faced. The film Road House, starring Malone and Gyllenhaal, is a remake of the cult favorite of the same name from the 1980s. You can stream full movie Download Full Movies online for free in HD Quality.
Title: Road House 2024
Director: Anthony Bagarozzi, Chuck Mondry, R. Lance Hill
Writers: Kelly Marcel, Tom Hardy
Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Daniela Melchior, Conor McGregor