Plot: This is a story about a lazy fat panda who is the huge fan of Kung Fu arround. He lived in a peaceful valley with his father and their noodles shop. He is accidentally chosen as the Dragon Warrior. He joins the Furious Five, Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Mantis and Viper and get trained under the leadership of Master Shifu. Now Po has to be fight with and protect the valley from the snow leopard Tai Lung.
Run Time: 1 hr 30 min.
Director of  The Movie: Movie is Directed By Mark Osborne and John Stevenson.
Writers Of  The Movie: Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger write the screeplay.
Star Cast Of The Movie: Jack Black, Ian McShane, Dustin Hoffman, Jackie Chan and Angelina Jolie.
Year Of Released: 2008.
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