Plot: The Easter Bunny has brought happiness and joy to all the kids all over the world over the past thousands years. It is the time to take over the tradition for a new Easter bunny. Instead of taking interest to receive the official title E.B.(Russell Brand) escape to Hollywood to become a drummer in band called rock ‘n’ roll. In Los Angles, E.B. Hits by a car which is driven by Fred (James Marsden). Fred is an out-of-work slacker and agrees to take care of him until he recover and better enough to hop along home. Dealing with the worst house guest, Fred and EB both know that what it takes finally to grow up.
Director of The Movie: This movie is directed by Tim Hill.
Writers Of The Movie: Screenplay is written by Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio.
Star Cast Of The Movie: Voices given by Russell Brand(E.B.), James Marsden(Fred O’Hare) and Elizabeth Perkins(Bonnie O’Hare).
Year Of Released: 2011.
IMDB Ratings: 5.2/10
Rottontomatoes Ratings: 3.3/5
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