When teenage Yi (with the voice of Mary Synchakis) meets a young Yeti on the roof of their apartment in Shanghai, a rare and special friendship begins. Together with her untrained and naughty friends, Yin (Ian Stratis in his Greek version) and Peng, decide to call it Everest. Together, they will embark on a fascinating journey with his family on the highest point on Earth. In order for the group of three friends to get to Yeti’s house, they must first escape from Bernice (voiced by George Constantine), a wealthy man who wants to capture Yeti but also the zoologist, Ruck.For more download Animation Movies online without any cost and registration.
Title: Abominable 2019
Director: Jill Culton, Todd Wilderman
Writers: Jill Culton
Stars: Chloe Bennet, Albert Tsai, Tenzing Norgay Trainor